Adult Advisory Committee
- Brandon Albus - Lamb County ANR Extension Agent
- Brian Beck - City of Lamesa Chief Inspector
- Iva Beck - Retired Executive Director, Educator
- Jesse Flores - Teacher, Denver City HS
- Kendra Franklin - West Texas HS Counselor
- Buddy Gerber - Texas Tech University, Center for Students in Addiction & Recovery
- Danna Guerrero - Covenant Health System - Covenant Counseling Center
- Cristine Bentley - West Texas HS
- Heather Blount - ESC 17 - Education Specialist, CTE
- Sean Decker - FBC Seminole Worship Pastor
- David Ritchey - Superintendent, Lamesa ISD
- Brenda Macias - TTU Health Sciences Center
- Sandra Marquez - Teacher, Petersburg HS
- Treon Minall - Plains ISD
- Gayle Murdock - Retired Educator & Former SUMMIT Advisor
- Jeffrey Patterson - Assistant Principal, Seminole JH
- Nancy Patterson - Teacher, Seminole HS
- Karen Peoples-Mitchell - Texas Department of Transportation
- Phillip Saffel - Lubbock-Cooper Liberty HS Principal
- Kaci Scott - Lynn Co. Extension Agent - FCH
- Tonia Soto - Arrows & Wings Life Coaching
- Natalie Snowden - AgriLife Extension Services Floyd Co. CEA-FCH
- Kim Vann - Nutrition Director, The Rock Health and Wellness Centers
- Nick Watts - Suicide Prevention Advocate
- Stan Williams - West Texas HS Principal
- Landon Winton - Lubbock-Cooper HS Principal
Teachers & Students from the Student Planning Committee